Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Getting better each day

Another mellow day at the apartment. My appitite is getting close to normal. Pain is slowly decrreasing. Exercise is getting easier. Looks like we're moving forward according to plan! Here's a quick video of the walk we did this afternoon around the apartment complex. I sped it up in the middle. We did not walk that fast.



Unknown said...

My goodness! I don't think I've walked that far all month! Great job!

If you want a dose of cuteness, here are my new foster babies:

Happy halloween!

CathiO said...

Hi, Mark and Sheila! Missed you last night - remember our little Halloween get together last year? Lots of kids last night - I ran out of candy. Lots of young teens. Poor Sydney was exhausted by the time it quieted down. So glad things are going well. Any sense of when you may head home? Love to both of you.


lynda said...

maybe when you feel up to it and the weather is nice there are a few places to walk around near you like the galleria (tho it might be an expensive walk), rice university's perimeter and rice village, memorial park, braeswood... just remembering my time there. keep up the good work!

Becca said...

Gosh Mark,
What an exciting video! I'm going to tape myself cutting the grass today and send it to you since you seem to be into this kind of thing. See if you can tape some hot girls in the pool next time! You should see the home videos Leslie shared with me. Now those were interesting!

Thanks for the update. We get worried if we don't get our daily dose. You have to share it all, even the bad. After all, our relationships are based on honesty, verbal abuse and sexual harassment.

Hope we see you soon!!!

Polly S said...

Hey guys, It is the most beautiful day in SC today...supposed to rain tonight and get cold again tomorrow. I really can't believe that I lived in Nebraska for 30 years in -20 and freeze here when it gets under 70. Oh yes, the tour...looks like a great lay-out and you really shouldn't have confessed that you speeded up the tape in the middle. As good as you have been doing, I probably would have believed you ran the whole way...pretty nice nurse/personal trainer you have there!!!! Keep on jogging and come home soon. Happy Halloween Till next time...onward and upward. XOXO to you both, P.

Beverly Booth said...

Mark, it appears that my blog was erased during the sign in phase. If this is a duplicate, I do apologize.
Sterling thought she had sent this information to me early but I'm just now seeing it - very appropriate since I'm in Charleston tonight spending time with my son!
Please know that you are in my prayers and you will soon be added to the top of the Dragon Boat Atlanta prayer list so expect many more positive vibes to head your way!
Take care and keep the good thoughts going!
I've discovered a new single malt so we'll celebrate at the first Annual Charleston Dragon Boat Festival!!! (doubt I'll be back this way before that).
Love and prayers to you.

Alice said...

Who was that really cute gal running in front of you as you were going (running) down the stairs?

Hey, Charleston paddlers, time to get on that treadmill and get in shape. Mark is coming home soon and he is going to be in better shape than we are!!! Time to put down that Halloween candy!

Hurry home! I need some ideas for decorating the boat for the Holiday parade and perhaps someone to come supervise!!!