Thursday, October 25, 2007

better day

Mark is doing better today. The epidural issues that plauged us yesterday are resolved and his pain is better controlled. He did a lap around the nurse's station and after I gave him a bath, he is now resting. He told me to tell you all 'thanks and love you'.

- Posted using Pocket Watch Software Mobile GBlogger.


dbc mom said...

whewwwwwwww - walking and pain control!!
thank you for the great news.

Ira & Anita said...

What terrific progress. Pretty soon he'll be blowing his sax! Much love to both of you from both of us!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Mark and Shelia... I've been away from dragon boating a few weeks as I started a new job and you know how that is... ugh!! I just wanted to let you know I've had you both in my heart and been calling up good vibes from the universe on your behalf. Mark, you're my hero!! Much love to you both.


Leslie Kendall said...

Hi guys!

Now that you are both coherent, I want to share with you something that should make you feel both very relieved and amazed that this actually turned out the way it did!

Our very wonderful, Janice Fetter, suggested that we have the sunrise meditation which, as you know, we all did and you are surely in a better place because of it! Janice Fetter is so awesome!

But at the same time she suggested the sunrise meditation, someone else suggeted that we might want to show you how we feel about your colon cancer and provide for your viewing pleasure a "group moon". NOTE: I WAS NOT THE PERSON WHO SUGGESTED THE GROUP MOON. IT WAS NOT MY IDEA. IT MAY HAVE BEEN BECCA-- SWEET BECCA. LET ME ADD ONE MORE THING-- IT WAS NOT MY IDEA.

In fact, it was MY idea NOT to do the "group moon". Besides not wanting to pull down my pants and bend over... I thought, who do we dislike enough to ask them to take the picture of all of us bending over shooting Mark and Sheila the moon? What with you two out of town, who else has enough experience with bearing one's butt to capture the moment? If we had been lifting our shirts, any number of us could have done it.. but shootin' the moon?

The truly amazing part, however, was that some of us recognized that that particular act could be, by some, considered "distasteful". And the most amazing thing... thus we decidied not to do it!!!!

Never let it be said that we ain't got no class.

PS: Apparently, some folks other than your DB buddies are praying for you, I think it was divine intervention that prevented us from showing you our real feelings and our great big vertical smiles!!!

Hope you are smilin' big!

Love you so!

mlg said...

Most excellent progress indeed! I know you'll soon be 'saxing it up'and running those fabulous RIO and firecrackers drills we love and miss! I toasted to you this am with 3 dunkin donuts from our fine johns island gas station(who knew that the donuts there are scrumptiously fresh and plentiful)! Noreen and I send boatfulls of love and hugs to you both!!!

Becca said...

Let me say that the "Moon Photo" was NOT my idea. My suggestion was shooting the bird to cancer with our Mark braclets on! Much classier, don't you think?

Mark, please get home soon. This team is running amuck. Cindy is making inappropriate comments during practice. (Make her tell you what she said) Leslie is wearing feathers and glitter. People are joy riding in the skiff with Sterling instead of paddling. I don't know how much longer Liz and I can keep this group under control.

dbc mom said...

my goodness, Leslie and Becca surely do know how to point the finger at others...

Mark, don't you worry about Surge at all, the last thing Cindy said to me before she jumped on that slow boat to China was, "tell the Surgers that 66 strokes a minute was a perfect rate..."