Thursday, November 1, 2007


Today I actually left the apartment complex!! I'm feeling stronger each day & today we decided to go out for lunch. We did a quick trip over to Rice Villiage (where there are LOTS of nice places to eat) and had a light lunch at an Italian restaurant there. My foley is pretty annoying, but if the tests go OK tomorrow, they should be able to yank it out (owwww). We'll also meet with all our docs to work out the game plan from here.



eharmony dropout said...

Mark and Sheila -
Just catching up on the post's from the week. I am off after today - headed out for Camp Bluebird. Good thing there is no karaoke planned for this year - as our favorite performer is temporarily unavailable. I have to say - I needed a good laugh this afternoon and the accelerated footage of the walk was quite amusing.
I am thrilled everything is going well - and just remember - the catheter will probably hurt less coming out than it does being there.
Miss you both and keep up the hard work!

Marjorie said...

I imagine that tomorrow's conference will be an important "planning session" for you and 'will keep you in my prayers.
What a relief to get rid of that Foley!!!!!!!!!
I had warned you of the cold weather here and guess's back in the 70's...y'all come home, ya hea?

Grandee said...

S&M, you two ate better than any of us back home yesterday. WOW! Mark, you look FAB. Keep up the hard work and hurry home. I hope you get that foley out today.We start 6AM DB practice next week. I wonder how "peppy" everyone will be at that wee hour??? Looking forward to getting the next prgress report. g

gene said...

Those accelerated films are giving my eyes as much of a workout as one of your famous pyramids. That is entirely too much movement for our 'southeren' selves.

You look mahvelous as does Sheila. When they get ready to pull the foley, just take a deep breath and then kick the hell out of the doctor!


Nina said...

Hi Markand Sheila, Keep up those
restaurant meals and walking and videoing. More movies!!!!