Sunday, October 28, 2007

Graduation Day

We have left the hospital!!!!! Two days early after major abdominal surgery. For most any of the 5 procedures they did, you'd normally expect to stay about a week. Wow! Sheila & I are pretty down to earth-types, but we can't help but feel all the positive energy generated by all our friends & family has helped get me to this point. The docs/nurses were very happy with my progress & we're back at our apartment now. If everything goes well, our next follow up with the docs will be Friday to remove my foley catheter & then some more rest/recovery. Before the removal they will shoot up some radioactive fluid & check for leaks. If it's good, they they take it out.
It also doesn't hurt to have great care at a great hospital. As it turns out, it looks like their big JACHO inspection is coming up soon, so everyone was extra careful to do everything right. Another (most significant) factor was/is Sheila taking care of me all along the way. Love yuo honey!!!! xoxoxxx


Janice Fetter said...

mark: you look to dam good. shelia is a miracle worker. if I ever have to to go under the knife could i borrow her. we have thought about you all the time and i keep asking janice if there is anything new on the blog. we are so happy for you and can't wait until you'll are back..we will have a bigggg party. give houston my best once a texan always a texan stuart & janice

Unknown said...

Wow, you do look great! Congratulations on leaving the hospital :) So exciting! Sending you my best!

lynda said...

dear poster boy for rapid recovery.
congrats on getting sprung.
xxx, lmr

Cathy said...

Wooo Hooo!!! Great news, we are thrilled your back at the apartment and doing well.

Can't wait to see you back home!

Love you,

Cathy and Don

Cindy Greenwood said...

Hey Mark,
Great to see you! I'm not sure, but I'm hoping it makes a difference with me taking the maracas off the shelf, shaking them(or at least one of them :-)), and making up a new verse for you & Sheila for "Don't worry, be happy."
Love to both of you.
Cindy G.

Polly S said...

WOW....You are a Poster Boy!!!! Just the other day, before the 1st picture, I took the Blog off my email and Bookmarked it into my folder "Fun Stuff" how fun is this?!!! If goes without saying, "That behind every good man, is a great woman"...and aren't you the lucky one to have her right there in you're back pocket. Warms my heart to see your smiling face and hear how well you are doing. Now, it's a hop, skip, and a jump until you guys are home again safe and sound and you are primed to "jump our bones" once again so we can win those races.
Keep those pictures and news bites coming. Love, love, love it. Still saying prayers for you both. Have a great rest of your day! P.

Terri Benson said...

Dear Mark and Sheila,
I've been reading your BLOG and I am amazed. Your strength, courage and love for each other is inspirational. It's truly wonderful what the human body can do in conjunction with faith, a fabulous attitude and the love from your spouse, family and friends. Good doctors and medical staff, too.
You have many blessings along with your many trials. God bless you. I will keep you in my prayers. We'll see you soon.
- Terri Benson

Marjorie said...

WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll bet the docs are amazed at your progress and in the future, they will require all their patients paddle before such surgery. You are both very special folk!

Becca said...


I hope you are feeling great and ready to run laps around the apartment today. Especially after those despicable comments by Sterling in "Better Day". Can you believe she referred to us as the "slow boat to China"? The gauntlet has been thrown my friend. Hurry back. I want you to see the smile fade from their faces when we pass them pulling a skier next week.

Keep up the good work Sheila. As you can see, we need him back as soon as possible.

mlg said...

Hello Marky Mark-it's so great to see your smiling face in those adorable plaid pj's-my dad had that same patterned pair-Leslie or Cindy has worn them(that's a whole another story) we have been lighting strength candles for you every night-i did nearly burn down the house with one big old candle. noreen lectured me on that so i am more careful now and use the smaller ones.the big wicks are out at the trailer now! anyway-you are amazing with your speedy recovery with sheila as wonder woman by your side. and by the way-the skier that surge is to pull- well black diamond barbie babe just won't do! -not to mention she'll drown in DBC's wake! stay strong. cheers and hugs mlg

Cindy said...

Last night I had a dream that we were all at a pool party (original huh). You were two days out from surgery and showed up at the pool party looking fantastic. You were just "taking it easy" in a chair next to the pool (no swimming or diving yet) having a wonderful time. Wow...not so far off from reality as I look on the site today and see a picture of you at the apartment fully dressed and looking amazing !!! YOU ARE SUPERMAN....and Sheila is WONDER WOMAN. Both super heroes in my heart !!!

Leslie Kendall said...

Well, you certainly look hot.. I mean HOT!!! sittting there by the pool. Congrats on a job well done. Indeed Sheila, all 5'... well 5'of her is really scary when it comes to getting good care for her man!

As for that potential leak... just sit next to me wherever we go as I can't sneeze, cough or laugh without springing a leak!

Hurry home, tensions are high. Becca and Sterling are at eachothers' throats. Louise has forgotten on which team she paddles and to whom she should, therefore, be loyal. Lindsey has a new boyfriend and Edie is about to kill her for being so chippy all the time. (Lindsey acts like Grandee now.)

Love you both!!! xoxoxoxo