Wednesday, October 24, 2007

post op day 1

Mark had a relatively good night last night, considering all the tubes and wires stuck into him. I stayed next to him on a cot. This morning he will attempt to get out of bed and be moved from this transitional PACU sometime later today. This morning, I read all the comments to him. All the love and support from you all just blows us are truly pulling him...and me...through this.
We will be in the hospital at least ten days, we found out this morning. Mark will blog, or dictate to me later today when we go to a regular room. Keep up those good thoughts..we can feel them strongly.

- Posted using Pocket Watch Software Mobile GBlogger.


Becca said...

Wow, these "Mark" bracelets are really popular, I see them all over town. Well, actually at the Bristol Marina on Mondays and Wednesdays between ...... I do thank Edie for making them. It helps us feel close to you all day. Sheila, I hope you are getting some rest since Mark is obviously taking it easy. They probably wheel him where ever he wants to go while the rest of us have to walk. Big baby. Hope the rain clears tonight for a good paddle. We will send you our love and strength with every stroke.

gene said...

I can't paddle tonight because we are leaving in the morning for a cruise amd I haven't packed.(some excuse, huh!). I will be wearing my "Mark" bracelet in Nassau and Freeport. And your and his picture next to my heart (in my bra, next to my real boob.)

Love, strength, prayers, of the mighty paddlers comin' your way.

xoxox gene

Janice Fetter said...
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Janice Fetter said...

Can't believe Mark will be walking today. We are all with him every step. People have ask where I got the Mark Bracelet, is it a new fad?
Ummm....may have to add it to the Spooney line.
Sending loads of Love,
Janice and Stuart

dbc mom said...

hi S & M,
I am going to have fun adding this:
it is from Pat and Pete with all their love!! get comfortable and hold a pillow over your tummy - cuz you are going to be laughing!
huges and kisses!!

Sung to the tune of 'Don't Worry; Be Happy'.

Met a paddler five years ago
He learned to paddle
Hell, he didn't 'row'!
Don't worry
Be happy

He learned the stroke
He learned it well,
Even though he wasn't feeling well
Don't worry
Be happy

He works hard
He'll never quit
His sense of humour
(Like this very skit)
'Don't worry
Be happy'

Cancer Treatments
Could never slow him down
While others pad-dled
with a frown (Not our Mark!)
Don't worry
Be happy

Man! I feel like a woman!
Had us feeling 'gladder'!
Man! We nearly lost our bladder!
Don't worry
Be happy

Sterling emailed us with the news
Gave Pete and I the serious 'blues'
(But Mark would say):
Don't worry
Be happy

Sterling said
Send Karma your way
We're doing it now
And every day
Don't worry
Be happy

From way up North
And then way out West
Our Karma is the very best!
(At least the marijuana is supposed to be!)
Don't worry
Be happy

Marcella T. Hickey said...


Know that you are in for a few hard days for many reasons. I am praying for both of you. Remember that rest and sleep are great healers too.
Take care,

Penny Behling said...

I need a Mark bracelet! Next time I'm in town, I will grab one. Gotta have one - PLEASE!

Mark, you're the man!
Sheila, hang in there.

What a great support system you have!

marianne said...

Oh lord, you have a nurse/wife leading you expect to be OOB and walking 2 miles by tomarrow afternoon.....using your inspirometer to get favors (possible ice chip)Sheila jumping up and down to the sounds "Flatus on my Mind" are going to do well because you have always had a happy heart.

Cindy said...

10 days and counting....actually we're counting down the days until you two get back home.

Mark, you have indeed set the latest fashion trend among the lowcountry water dwellers. Let's just hope a tattoo artist doesn't show up on the dock any time soon. It could be scary. Not that we ever go over the top or anything.

We love you both.

Alice said...

Way to go Mark! Walking already! Nothing gets you down. You are an inspiration to everyone. We miss and love you! More prayers coming your way! Hey Sheila, give Mark a hug for me! Sheila don't forget to take care of yourself too.

Hugs, Alice

Brenda said...

Continuing to pray and hope for the best. Sheila, you are always so thoughtful to ask about Tommy. He and family were among first to evacuate. They are well.
Hope all of you are well. Love to you, Marc, Shar, and Gwenn.
It's raining in Roanoke!! Yay!

luv u,

dannie said...

okay - I thought I had sent this once! Glad to hear you were up walking Mark. Some more tomorrow I am sure - just put one foot in front of the other and holler "ice cold beer"! Sheila, you are one stellar human being and talking to you and Mark through this blog is "so special" (SNL)

I am leaving for the outskirts of cornfield Ohio to attend tractor races and be the "vampire" my granddaughters have requested, but I told my daughter she had to have her house equipped with an internet connection this time!

Heh - got an idea of a costume for Mark next week - you are in the land of blood, white sheets and tubes! Think he will go for a Halloween pic?

We love you, Dannie