Friday, October 19, 2007

Day 3 of tests DONE!

Didn't sleep too well last night due to the "prep" for today's test. Let's just say I was "clean as a whistle" this morning. Colonoscopy was at about 9:00AM. The folks here at MD Anderson have the the process down cold. Before we even signed in, they were ready to lead us into the back area. Here's your spot, get dressed in your "easy access" robe & we'll be with you in a moment. As soon as I had changed, the nurse was ready to put my IV in. (Good stick today. The PET nurse had to take two tries & I have good veins!) Test went fine, no surprises to speak of (Yay!). We had a mellow afternoon in the apartment, recovering & I'm feeling pretty good now. Look out Houston!!!
BTW, I revised the entry about the pillowcase if that didn't make any sense before. See below on the Love & Fear entry.


kristy said...

Hello out in Texas. Glad to hear that all is going as planned so far. Got the blog address from Martin. Not sure how savy the parents are so I'll give them a call and update. Love you both and am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. Kristy.

Nina said...

You look very content; just the way we should all feel before or after a colonscopy! After all, they're so much fun!!!! BUT = it's so great that there were no surprises!!! "Things look swell, things look great, gonna have the whole on a plate. Starting here, starting now, honey everything's coming up roses." OK - trivia - what is that from? who wrote it?

Marjorie said...

Looks like comfortable digs out there.. Glad to read tests have been without surprises but that is what we all are expecting (remember that big cat dream).
A bunch of us did the Komen today and it was a perfect day for the race. Janice won a medal, which makes it more fun, as you know well!
Be happy, be strong and know you are in our hearts and thoughts.

Deb & Betty said...

Hi Mark!

Your mom and I are on the phone right now and I have read her your entire blog. I wish she and I were in the same room, as she is missing all of your pictures. However, she was laughing heartily as I read some of your blog to her. We are happy to hear that you may have a "little" bit of good news from the tests. Please keep in mind the name Dr. Peggy Bridges, as she is one of Twitty's closest friends and works at MD Anderson in gastroenterology (Your mom spelled this if it is wrong!). If you need to talk to an objective 3rd person who is one of the best, call Peggy at her home number: 713-932-0083. When Twitty returns tomorrow from NC, I'll send Peggy's new work number. You are in our thoughts and prayers ( Just think, an Episcopalian and a Catholic).

Love and hugs,

Deb and Betty (Mom)

Alice said...

Dearest Mark and Sheila,
I have some picture I would like to share from the fashion show and some great shots from Philly! How can I get these to you? I tried to figure out how to attach to the blog but this being my first experience blogging :-) I have not been successful. Thanks so much for taking us with you on your journey and for your explanations of the medical marvels in your diagnosis and treatment.

You are with the best (MD Anderson and ofcourse Sheila) and have the best praying and sending positive vibes your way. I think you have all bases covered. It is great to hear the good news about your results!

Know that many love you and are here for you 24/7.

Hugs with lots of love, Alice

Quinn's Mama said...

Hey Mark and Sheila,
Looking good, Mark! Glad to know things are progressing nicely. Just wanted you to know we're still thinking of you and sending love and prayers your way. My minister's sermon this morning was about wrestling with adversity and how God is always in the middle of that with a blessing in his back pocket. May He give you the blessings he has for you soon and bring you home to us. The Ashley River misses you.

amanda said...

Hey Mark and Sheila,
I hope everything is going ok for you all. Mom gave me your blog site so we could keep an update on what is going on. Scott, myself, and the kids are thinking of you and will keep you in our prayers. I hope everything goes ok. Love you bunches, both of you.