Monday, August 10, 2009

Test 4 - Prostate Biopsy

Saving the best for last. The last test of the week was my prostate biopsy. Here's the deal. You know those ultrasound thingies they show, like on TV. The scanner thing they put lube on and rub over the pregnant woman's stomach to show the cute, growing, baby. OK, imagine stuffing one up your ass. But this one is special. It has needles attached to poke into your prostate gland and remove small bits of tissue. So that's what they did. Yeah, you get a squirt of numbing cream, but it doesn't do that much good. When they activate the snipping (after the insertion, poking with the needle), it sounds just like a mouse trap going off. CLIP. "Sorry about that". "No problem - just doing your job..." (OUCH).
So the results come back a couple days later. Yes, the cancer is, in fact, located right there. Pretty much as we suspected. It was almost a relief, actually. Now we know where the sucker is.
With all the information, I had my appointment with my urologist. He's not wishy-washy (which is good) and we talk frankly about the cancer and possible treatments. Given the situation, it's unlikely there is any option for "cure" (which we already knew. Stage IV colon cancer, traditionally is uncureable). About the only option is to cut out most everything, hope you get all the cancer, hook up alternative plumbing that current technology will allow and hope for the best.
So that's the plan. The guys here in Charleston could do it, but the surgery guys in Texas already know my current plumbing and do this sort of thing about 20 times more frequently. We'll go with Texas. Surgery is scheduled for Aug. 21st, 2009. Wish me the best.

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