Monday, February 18, 2008

Surgery Again

In less than a week we go back to Texas for follow-up surgery. This time around, they are going to re-attach my guts to their proper location and I'll be back to "normal". Yay. We're going in for surgery on Wednesday. The actual surgery is about one hour. If all goes well, my bowels should start to "wake up" fairly quickly. Since I'm relatively young and healthy, we will be doing the surgery on an outpatient basis. "What?" I hear you say! We go in on Wednesday, have the operation done, stay overnight and if all looks good, I might be able to be discharged the next day. Apparently doing it this way, they avoid "hospital' charges. If there are any issues, we simply get admitted to the "hospital" when/if we need to. My doctor is cool with it, & I'm cool with it, & it may even save BCBS a couple bucks (they have been very, very good to me) than I'm all for it. We will be staying in a "hotel" that is physically connected to the hospital, so if we need additional assistance after discharge, we'll be right there. They said to plan for two weeks, but we might be out of there in just over one. That would be great for both Sheila & I work-wise.
I haven't written for a few months for a couple reasons. There wasn't that much going on, but the main one was that I hate to complain. It's pretty much settled now, but my pain issues in the winter were challenging. We went from "narco" to Lortab, to Oxycontin to more Oxycontin. Along the way we added Lyrica and then after some undesirable side effects, switched to Neurontin. It took weeks to get everything dialed in right. I've been feeling pretty reasonable the last few weeks, but if I miss my dose, I don't feel good. After this surgery, we'll slowly start weaning me off them, but it may be a long, involved process.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Mark & Sheila!

Hope you have a safe trip to Texas and that all goes well! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

~anna marie