Friday, August 21, 2009

good news

1 o'clock and I turn around and see Dr. Skibber. Last time he came out of the case in the middle of the day, he told me he could not get margins and Mark's cancer would most likely return. Today is a different story. He says he got all the tumor he could see. He can't rule out microscopic cells on the left side wall, but there was nothing visible there. Mark will unfortunately have leg pain again, as he scraped around the sciatic nerve. However, he thinks Mark's pain last time primarily came from intraoperative radiation. They decided not to do radiation this time.

So, we're a bit past half-way. The bladder, prostate and rectum are gone, so now they are working on putting Humpty-Dumpty back together again. The urologists are doing a thing called an illeal conduit, which will be the way Mark will pass urine. Plastic surgeons are taking a chunk off his thigh to use the muscle to rebuild his abdominal wall and help fill up the big hole that was created. Finally, Skibber will go back in and create the colostomy. He thinks Mark will be in the OR another 4 hours. It is uncertain if he will need overnight ventilation, but the blood loss was less than Skibber initially thought it would be (and better than his other 2 cases this week). fyi-the surgeon we thought of using in Charleston did one of these procedures in a year. We made the right choice coming here.

As for me, I'm pretty darn happy.


Nicole Seitz said...

This is good news. Keep it coming...

eharmony dropout said...

Just checking in and it was great - I was looking at some of your pics from Coppenhagen and then popped back to the blog to see this latest entry. Great news.
I will con't to think good thoughts for you both.
The shoe story just made me laugh and think about our dinner in Boston. Tell the folks there that you are really ok if they come out to give you and update and you decide to touch your toe to your ear!

Unknown said...

First time reading the blog. Our prayers are with you and Mark.

DBCers Bill and Patty Sullivan

Norrin2 said...

I will be praying for Mark. I'm a classmate of his from Fort Johnson High and I saw Mark for the first time in a long time at Dragon Boat Charleston.
God Bless you,
Robert Loy

haircone said...

First time reader. Found you through Nicole's update on face book. I have just added you and Mark And his surgeon to my daily prayer list. Best wishes.

Uberl said...

Just to let you know we are here with you all the way, praying every minute!! We are so glad Mark was able to hold on and have the surgery at MD Anderson.
Lynn and Walt

Jennifer Donovan said...

Go Mark!!! Sheila- Thank you so much for the updates- and especially the last one. All of us on DBC/Surge are awaiting his recovery and return to paddling with us!
PS- love the photo of mark in the cap

Seasoned Curlies said...

Thumbs up! Good news, indeed!

Unknown said...

Continuing to pray for Mark and you.
Cindy G.